Mike Loukas, CEO of TrueMark Investments, sat down with ETF Central’s host of the Behind the Ticker podcast to discuss the origins of TrueMark Investments and two of its latest tickers, Quarterly Bull Hedge ETF (QBUL) and Quarterly Bear Hedge ETF (QBER).
Mike explores the concept behind portfolio solutions to meet individual investors’ needs with these actively-managed hedge products. He explains different ways an advisor can incorporate them into their portfolios alongside other assets and how to balance that with risk tolerance.
Past performnace is no guarantee of future results.
To learn more about QBUL, visit: www.true-shares.com/qbul/
To learn more about QBER, visit: www.true-shares.com/qber/
Investing involves risk, including the loss of principal. There is no assurance the investment objectives will be met or that the strategy will be successful.